Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sir Ramanujam Science and Math Camp.

About the Camp:
Disha supports more than 3000 children’s education by offering them scholarship till they finish college. We believe financial assistance alone is not enough for a successful career. Continuous knowledge and skill building is required.  In pursuit of this we organize 100 hr skill development programme for the Disha scholars year (60 hrs residential, 40hrs class room). As part of this we have been organizing annual summer camp every year since 2007. Each year with different themes like arts, dance, craft etc. camps builds not only skills but also character.  
This year to commemorate 125th anniversary of Ramanujam we are organizing Science and Maths camps.
At the end of the camp the students will know.
a.       Basic concepts in electrical, electronics and Vedic Maths.
b.      Do team project based on concepts.
c.       Create interest in science as career.
d.      Know the lives of eminent scientist and Mathematician from India and world.
e.      Know and appreciate india contribution to the world of science and Maths.
Target Group: 13 to 17 yrs
i)        No of camps: 2
ii)      Days: 4 per camp
iii)    Venue: Chennai and Madurai
iv)    Participants: 200

Food for 100 people for  8 days(150*100*8)
Resource materials
T-shirts and Prizes

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